National Face to Face Hitting Sessions: CLICK HERE! Online Hitting Courses: CLICK HERE! ZOOM Hitting Sessions: CLICK HERE! […]
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National Face to Face Hitting Sessions: CLICK HERE! Online Hitting Courses: CLICK HERE! ZOOM Hitting Sessions: CLICK HERE! […]
Read More… from Alex Kirilloff (Minnesota Twins) Hitting Highlights 2021
This is the most sophisticated innovative-progressive approach to hitting you’ll ever find. “Timed Hitting Perception” is the primary concept that is being taught. Teaching hitters how to master their Hitting Timing and Hitting Spatial Alertness… are the main ingredients that help hitters… “hit better in the game”! Every hitter will be taught what THEIR […]
Read More… from Barry Adkison’s Hitting Session February 9, 2022
Once you acknowledge the backbone to true hitting development rests upon the rationales of hitting neuroscience, our players will significantly improve their hitting outcomes in LIVE GAMES! National Face to Face Hitting Sessions: CLICK HERE! Online Hitting Courses: CLICK HERE! ZOOM Hitting Sessions: CLICK HERE! […]
Read More… from How to Hit Better, Directly Teaching Hitting Neuroscience!
Inside this video, I show the audience clips from my trip to New Jersey and my time with Sam Bromage. During the two days we shared with Sam, I taught him hitting rationales that diffuse the pitcher’s 2 weapons. 1. Hitters need to master the ‘hitting timing of their vision.’ 2. Hitters need to master […]
Read More… from How to Hit Better Using, Biomechanics vs Neuroscience?
Let’s take a bite into your hitting drills. Let’s probe into how effective they really are in preparing your son or daughter when hitting matters the most.., in a live game. Hypothetically, if the coach asked you..” we can only do one hitting drill before the game, what drill do you want to do?” Are […]
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Can you have a perfect biomechanical swing and still miss the ball? Can you have an imperfect biomechanical swing…and, still hit the ball well? Yes and Yes. Let’s examine these common hitting topics. 1. Back foot comes off the ground. 2. Head is tilting. 3. Crouching in your batting stance. 4. Uncommon hitting styles. 5. […]
I call it “Pre Activating” the EYES! More than it’s talked about, good hitters are thinking about the ball BEFORE..they see the ball. Too many hitters revert to an emergency swing because their EYES are LATE! If your son or daughter is ready to learn these advanced hitting concepts, contact me to get on my […]
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If you want to have better batting practice then.., you need to prioritize what you’re thinking about while you’re taking batting practice. One of the worst things you can do in the batting cage is to have ‘mindless’ batting practice. Can you imagine a musician having mindless practice with his/her piano? Do you think a […]
Number One.., Sitka Alaska is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L ! My assignment was to work on hitting timing, hitting spatial alertness, and hitting swing mechanics. We didn’t do monotonous drills. No batting tees. No short screen tosses. The players learn these concepts with me pitching about 50 feet away. I use a REAL PITCHING DELIVERY (not a fake […]
Read More… from How to Have REAL Hitting Timing..,Sitka Alaska Event!
When your son or daughter step into the batting cage, and you only have 5 minutes to practice before the game, what should element of hitting should they invest their time in..? (1) Hitting-Timing / Spatial Alertness (2) Swing Mechanics I know what my son is going to think and work on. He going to […]
Read More… from How to Hit Better by TIMING Your VISION, Sensitive to SPACE!
Hitting development is an important subject to me. Whenever we value topics or subjects we usually invest our time into researching those themes. Have you ever found a study that leads us to believe.., hitting swing mechanics are more important than hitting-timing? Or.., have ever heard of research that concluded swing mechanics are more important […]
Coming to Escalon CA… (December 4 and 5, 2021) This is the most sophisticated innovative-progressive approach to hitting you’ll ever find. “Timed Hitting Perception” is the primary concept that is being taught. Teaching hitters how to master their Hitting Timing and Hitting Spatial Alertness… are the main ingredients that help hitters… “hit better in the […]
Read More… from Andy Hagen Group: Escalon CA (December 4 and 5, 2021)
Are you a “hitting-researcher”? Have you ever come across any research that suggests, swing mechanics are MORE important than hitting-timing or hitting-spatial-alertness? With over 29 years of hitting research, I haven’t found any. What I’ve discovered are hundreds of interviews and tests that tell us hitting-timing and spatial alertness are more important than swing mechanics. […]
Read More… from How to Hit Better with an UN-Traditional Point of View?
Which one is it? 1. Do hitters swing as hard as they can..or, are their brains just moving faster than the ball? 2. Have you noticed on some pitches how the hitter SLOWS-DOWN in the middle of the swing? Do you ever practice this? Watch the video and contact me directly to get your son […]
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In the early 2000’s I learned and experimented with altering the swing mechanics via the “deceleration phase” of the swing. The acceleration phase should be devoted and dedicated to studying the baseball because.., that’s exactly what happens in a LIVE GAME! Watch the video and contact me directly to get your son on either our, […]
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Have you ever wondered about what a batter is really ‘timing’ while at home plate? Well.., I have. I’ve thought a lot about this and I have done a lot of research on this topic. Having mentored my son along his journey into the MLB, we have traveled down the path together where his mechanics […]
Mason Mills traveled from Pittsburgh to Dallas and we had a hitting session together. Stop trying to hit the baseball and start trying to “out-see” the baseball. *Online Hitting Courses… *ZOOM Hitting Sessions… *Face to Face Hitting Sessions… […]
Read More… from Hitting with Mason Mills in Dallas..Volume UP!
Sometimes.., ‘it’ can be right in front of our faces…and, we still don’t see it! All swing mechanics can be mastered on the deceleration side of the swing. There are 9 models for deceleration. The acceleration side should be dedicated and devoted to PAYING ATTENTION to the ball. Stop delaying your son’s/daughter’s development. Face to […]
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Wonderful hitting session with Adam Parzych in Tallahassee FL. We worked on finding ‘his’ natural hitting tempo. We worked his on swing mechanics on the deceleration side. We worked a lot on.., controlling the flight path of the ball, from both the finish line and then on the starting line. We taught Adam how to […]
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Too many young good players fade away..because, they are wrapped up in their swing mechanics and never really paid attention to what was responsible for true hitting success. When you get into the hitting laboratory and examine what is the underlining factor giving players great hitting outcomes, one needs to study how the brain is […]
Read More… from How to Hit the Tough Pitches. True Hitting Success.