Price is $145.00
Introduction Special
*NOW* only…$95
*6 Videos* Helping you to Train At Home More Effectively…
(Run Time for all 6 videos is over 1.5 hours!)
Our New Online Video Course concentrates on independent player training. With over 28 years of teaching and coaching baseball, we show you how to maximize your training routine that will accelerate your development. Whether you’re a player, coach, or parent..experienced or just a beginner, there is new information from each video that is not commonly discussed. Together…Let’s help our players to be as good as they can be, while they’re still young! (Run Time for all 6 videos is over 1.5 hours)
Training At Home Online Training Instruction-Drills for:
Video #1: Hitting part 1 (run time 15:45 minutes)
Video #2: Hitting part 2 (run time 16:03 minutes)
Video #3: Hitting part 3 (run time 9:04 minutes)
(Hitting Videos explain various hitting drills you can do by yourself or with a helper. With the drills, we teach you how to incorporate concepts of Hitting Timing and Hitting Spatial Alertness.)
Video #4: Throwing Training (run time 15:50 minutes)
(We teach you how to improve arm articulation and the drills that carry over to LIVE-GAME experiences.)
Video #5: Fielding Training (run time 19:38 minutes)
(Includes demonstrations and explanations of various infield plays you can practice independently or with a helper.)
Video #6: Running Program (run time 16:43 minutes)
(This is a direct approach to improving your sprinting speed your base-stealing technique.)